Add WhatsForm to WhatsApp

Add WhatsForm to WhatsApp


The following instructions are applicable only when you are using WhatsApp Business App. These steps will help you to guide the user when they sent you their first message on WhatsApp Business App.

Go to Share inside dashboard

You can click on the Share button inside WhatsForm to go to the share section

Add to WhatsApp

Here you will see message templates. You will find templates for Business Greeting message and Away messages.

Here is an example of the Business Greeting message:

Thank you for your message šŸ™

Please fill šŸ‘‰ to share your requirements. One of our team members will assist you shortly.

You can see that these templates aptly use WhatsForm URL in the conversation.

When a user sees such a message they will click on the WhatsForm URL, fill in the required information and the data will come back to you in your WhatsApp conversation with the customer.

Business Tools

Open your WhatsApp Business App.

On the top right menu, you will see the option to access Business tools. Here you can add greeting message, away message and quick replies.

  • Greeting message - the first message send to a user when the chat with you for the first time.

  • Away message - the message sent to the customer when customer messages you outside business hours.

  • Quick replies - canned responses to quickly reply your customer when they ask a question.


Try adding WhatsForm URL inside a short message as a Quick reply. This means you never have to remember or visit the dashboard to get your WhatsForm URL.

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