If you expect multiple answers for a single question, then Checkbox question is the one you should choose.
Select Checkbox
Drag and drop Checkbox question from the right side, under Add Questions.

Edit question
Over to the right, you will find the options to edit this question.

Here is an overview of what you can edit:
Parts you can edit | No. | Purpose |
Question text | 1 | The text for the question you want to ask. |
Question details | 2 | Further details or hints to help the customer understand more about the question. Here you can add URLs also. |
Options | 3 | This is where you add the different options for the customer to choose. You may also add an image for each option. |
Add ‘Other’ option | 4 | If you want the customer to give an answer that is not present in the options set by you, then turn on the Other option. |
Question Image | 5 | You can add one image to each question. |
Required | 6 | If the question is mandatory, mark the question as required. It will add a * , next to the question. |
Test it out
Add question details to see how it looks.

You can always see the new question in WhatsForm by clicking on Preview.
If it says Unpublished Changes, it means there are changes waiting to be made public.
When you click on Publish, all pending changes become live on your WhatsForm.

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