Use the Video component to add a video along with a title to the WhatsForm
Select Video
Drag and drop Video from the right side, under Add Questions.

Edit Video
Over to the right, you will find the options to edit this question.

Here is an overview of what you can edit:
Parts you can edit | No. | Purpose |
Video URL | 1 | Paste the URL of your embeddable video. |
Video title | 2 | The text for the title you want to set. |
Video caption | 3 | This will be the subtext for the title. |
Test it out
Add question details to see how it looks.

You can always see the new question in WhatsForm by clicking on Preview.
If it says Unpublished Changes, it means there are changes waiting to be made public.
When you click on Publish, all pending changes become live on your WhatsForm.

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