Number Question

This question type can be used when the answer you are seeking is a numerical value. This can be a currency, decimal, or an integer.

Add a Number Question

Add a Number Question to your form by selecting Number from the form builder on the left side of the page.

Click 'Number'

Input Type

Under Input Type, there are three options:

  • Integer

  • Decimal

  • Currency

Integer and Decimal options will allow you to add a Prefix and a Suffix to your question. Prefix will show up before the number. This can be a currency symbol.

Fill '$'

Suffix will show up after the number. This can be a height or weight symbol.

Fill 'cm'

The Currency option will allow you to add a currency symbol next to the value.

Click 'USD'

Minimum and Maximum Value

Integer, Decimal and Currency options all allow you to choose a minimum and maximum value that can be entered.

Click '$'

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Question Types