Address Question

To accept address information from a customer, use the Address Question. This guide will walk you through the steps to add an Address Question to your form.

Select Address Question

Open your form builder and select the Address Question from the left side, under Advanced.

Click 'Address Line 1'Edit Question

On the right-hand side, you will see options to edit the Address question. You can use the toggle switches to add or remove each of the address fields.

Click hereHere are the parts you can edit:

Parts you can edit


Address Line 1

Typically used for the street address of the user.

Address Line 2

Additional address information, such as an apartment number.


Name of the city or town of the user.


Name of the state or province of the user.

Zip Code

The user's postal code, used to identify the area.


Name of the user's country.

Test Question

After you're done editing your Address Question, open your form and see how it works.

The Address Question supports type and search for a location.

It also supports getting the user's current location when they click on the GPS icon on the right.

Quick guidde


  • You can always see the new question in WhatsForm by clicking on Preview.

  • If it says Unpublished Changes, it means there are changes waiting to be made public.

  • When you click on Publish, all pending changes become live on your WhatsForm.

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Question Types